Chair Kelley and Sheriff Smith: Statement on Voter Intimidation Efforts
October 28, 2022 – Chairperson Neal Kelley and Sheriff Justin Smith issue the following statement:
Robust and bipartisan observation is vital for building trust and ensuring the integrity of our elections, but intentionally menacing observation goes far beyond the needs of transparency. Instead, these efforts are intended to intimidate voters who want to drop off their ballots and cast their votes.
Activities that intimidate and make voters or election workers feel unsafe have no place in our democracy. The Committee for Safe and Secure Elections (CSSE) denounces any group or individual that engages in such reckless behavior, while recognizing the necessary role of legitimate observation and the importance of transparency.
Americans must feel confident and secure in whichever way they determine to exercise their right to vote. While the vast majority of voters will have positive and safe voting experiences, those who experience intimidation should immediately contact their local election official. The Committee calls upon law enforcement and election officials around the country to continue to work together to ensure safe and secure elections.
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