Law Enforcement Quick Reference Guides

The Committee produces Law Enforcement Quick Reference Guides that summarize key penal provisions found within state law for each state and the District of Columbia.

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Increasing Trust in our Election System
A Message from Law Enforcement, Military Leaders, and Election Officials Threats against election officials and their families happen in war-torn countries–not in America. The Committee…
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Combatting Swatting Attempts
False emergency calls to draw an armed response are dangerous and disruptive, but law enforcement and election officials can work together to reduce these dangers.
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Policy Paper: Providing Safety and Security to Elections and Election Workers
CSSE recommends fully funding election worker security, protecting their privacy, holding those who threaten them accountable, and improving tracking of incidents.
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Local Election Official’s Guide to Federal Resources for the Protection of Election Offices & Personnel
This catalog can help local officials identify federal grant opportunities, services, tools, and resources to help strengthen the physical security of their offices.
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Four Steps to Working with Challenging Visitors
Content creators may provoke employees and interfere with government business, but these consistent steps can help you respond while maintaining transparency.
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Five Steps to Safer Elections
CSSE’s Five Steps to Safer Elections provide information on how election administrators and law enforcement can work together to strengthen our elections. These written and…
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Additional Resources

What Election Violence Could Look Like: A Video Training Scenario
This video will help election officials and law enforcement responding to election threats to ensure that every occurrence is reported and thoroughly investigated.
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PEN America: Online Harassment Field Manual
A series of questions to ask If online abuse has made you fear for your physical safety or the safety of your loved ones.
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U.S. Department of Justice: Justice Department Launches Task Force to Combat Threats Against Election Workers
A description of the Department of Justice law enforcement task force to address the rise in threats against election workers, administrators, officials, and the electoral...
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U.S. Election Assistance Commission: Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Funds to Protect Election Workers 
Providing information about the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (Byrne JAG)’s use to protect election workers from violence and criminal threats.
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U.S. Department of Justice: JAG Funding to Combat Threats Against Election Workers 
A memo on the Justice Assistance Grants (JAG) Program, a leading source of federal criminal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions.
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Congressional Research Service: Election Worker Safety and Privacy
A brief overview of recent federal activity on election worker safety and privacy.
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Guide Books - The Committee for Safe and Secure Elections
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Law Enforcement Quick Reference Guides summarize key penal provisions found within state law.